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Starting my new Vent Book…
Yes.. you can write in it!
Yeh.. you will be messy
Yea.. you will make mistakes
and YEH.. you’re not any good when starting!
But everything takes practice, and if you don’t start somewhere, we wouldn’t be able to do anything.
I am possibly one of the world’s worst for being messy and mistake making! – and that’s possibly why we rely on technology so much these days for our endless corrections.
But do you know what.. we don’t HAVE to be perfect or the best, and the hardest bit is knowing how and where to start.
That’s why I have now made this plan for you for follow and get started with points to talk about and open conversations with.
☆ 30 Journal entry ideas
☆ 18 Questions to ask yourself
☆ 15 To do ideas

☆ Step by step goal setting ladder x 10



PRINTED.. printed double sided

Unpunched is printed single sided to be able to stick into your journal for reference.
You may need to trim down the sides so these do not over hang the edge of your journal. Or Fold and stick in unfold out when needed.

Also available as a PDF / PNG option if you have your own printer to stick into your journal. – See PRINT ME Section