1 single card insert
Motivational & benefit points to encourage and remind you of the great reasons to drink more water!
– From a personal experience, I found the benefits of drinking more water profound. Something so simple yet so effective to your skin, energy and general well being. We all need to drink more water.
Water is also amazing for less bloating (after time), less water retention within the body and helps to loose weight whilst feeling more full all the time.
This insert was designed for my own use, but I loved it so much I needed to share it with you.
6 Months on, and I love drinking water without the need for a diary to nudge me.. it’s now a natural need.
At first, you feel like you just can’t drink that much, so don’t over do it to begin with! Just do what you can manage to get started and gradually build up each day.
It took me over a week to get to 6 glasses a day, and I found drinking through a re-use bottle with a flip straw helped me feel less bloated. (less air intake)- That bottle now goes everywhere with me.
Water tastes better as you get used to it. So maybe stick to the SAME water, whether it’s tap or bottled. But soon enough, it wont matter where the water comes from, it all tastes refreshingly amazing!